Wednesday, October 9, 2013

RECAP: Berlin and all it's glory

After belgium i took a train to Berlin!! I spent 4 WONDERFUL days in Berlin. There was a lot of walking, a lot of sight-seeing and history, even more culture, and a lot of parties (afterall it is Berlin...)

The first day I did the New Europe tour around to all of the main sites. We saw the Brandenburg gates, holocaust memorial, checkpoint charlie, where hitler's bunker was, and parts of the Berlin wall. So overall I had a fabulous time!

The holocaust memorial is such an interesting experience because you just don't know what to make of it. But it is amazing to see and walk through. Emotional in it's own way

Hitler's bunker is now a parking lot, but it is still the exact spot where so much history took place.
The berlin wall is amazing and that is was captured my attention more than anything!

After the tour I went back and went to the Holocaust memorial information center which is free, and very moving and well done. I spent about an hour in there before I had to escape to keep from getting teared up more.

It was a long first day, and a long first night out! I tried out some clubs with some Aussies I met!

The second day was also a lot of fun! I got up as early as I could and went back to the Berlin wall so that I could see the documentation of the wall museum which was pretty interesting!

And then I went and saw the topography of terror museum which was also nice to see- I liked that! It talked all about Hilter's rise power. Then I made the long walk over to the other plaza for the alternative city tour. If you know anything about Berlin, it's that it is a super Funky underground culture. It has hippies, and awesome neighborhoods filled with amazing street art. I absolutely LOVED that side of the city.

 The tour explored some of Berlin's counter culture, street art, and cool open air style markets. I seriously was in love. I could have spent HOURS walking around Krutzberg and those neighborhoods! SO interesting!!!

I had another fun night out that night with a pub crawl! Nothing like a good pub crawl I tell you!

On my third full day I went back to Kruetzberg! I went to a grocery store and little cafe called Veganz which was amazing and so delicious. Definitely fits in with the Berlin culture.

 Then I went and saw the East Side Gallery which is a MUST do in Berlin. It was beautiful and captivating. I could have stayed there and walked along the paintings for hours!!

 I spent the rest of the day just wandering and exploring and taking in all of Berlin. This is seriously an incredible city.

That night was a fun night out with some random Americans I had met. They were super sweet and we all went to this funky open air club thing in Kruetzberg. I had a blast!

On my last morning I went to an all you can eat vegan brunch place which was delicious! I was happy for sure!

And then I had to get on a plane and head off to my newest destination. GREECE!!!

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