Monday, October 7, 2013

RECAP: Roma in 48 hours: Part 2

We woke up early, tired, but ready to go! I had an old friend from Rimini coming to meet up with me! For once the backpacker's promise was fulfilled. I was SO EXCITED For her to come! I meet her at the station, we picked up my friend from the hostel, and we were off. Our other friends had been to the Colosseum the day before so they gave us their passes which were valid for 36 hours! Sadly, once we got there we realized that they were good for as long as you wanted in the Roman forum but only one swipe into the Colosseum. A little bit of a bummer... but we were frugal and didn't want to wait in the ridiculous ticket line so we went strait to the forum.

It was a HOT summer day, we were tired (and a little hung over) so this took a lot out of us. After about 1 1/2 hours we were beat. We left the forum and went exploring for cute little backstreets. WE finally found some and ran into a giant market.

Yay. we wandered, bought some goodies and then searched for a place to sit down. Some stairs called to us and so we took a break there. It's funny how you will literally sit on anything if it means you can rest... what a Longggggg day so far.

We headed out again, walked by the trevi fountain, and the pantheon and the Spanish steps. Lots of exploring. Followed by returning to the hostel, a few more drinks, and a wonderful night. I really want to meet Aussies (because I love them) and I saw a group of them at a table and knew I had to meet them. So I starting talking to one of them at the bar and they were great! They invited me to their table and I ended up spending the rest of the night with them. Very chilled and too much fun! I love Aussies and I love Rome!

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