Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Weekend Getaway: Nice (part 1)

This weekend, I had to get out of Aix-en-Provence. So I choose a solo-weekend in the cote d’azur. 

I stayed at a hostel in Nice: Villa St. Exupery Gardens (review to come)
I got there Friday afternoon and wandered around, had some snacks, and then made my way back to the hostel for the evening….

So it was that time of the night for a solo-backpacker. Time to make friends. The bar is starting to pick up and is dotted with groups of people starting to come together, all chatting away. No one is drunk enough yet to just stumble across you, so this is where your (attempted) social skills come in. I have refined mine pretty well.

So on this night I sat down on my phone next to two young(er) looking guys. I could tell they were speaking English but not American English- score. I hoped for an Aussie, after all it’d been a week since I was in Rome and had my full Aussie fill. Withdrawal can be tough. I literally sat down at the table next door, and used my phone for maybe 45 seconds. Then there was a lull in their quiet convo and one went to get another beer. This was my moment. I turned to the side, made eye-contact with the guy next to me and asked him where he was from. Turns out he’s a pretty cool British guy. We start talking. And then when the next guy comes back they invite me one table over. I’m in. The other guy is even aussie. So we stat talking. Early in the night so it began with basic life stuff and as the drinks flow it becomes more fun. I start on the strawberry mojitos. 

Just one for me during happy hour. After all I’m frugal remember? Then it starts to get good.

            I see a guy walk by and I can tell right off the bat that he has got to be aussie or kiwi. You know what I’m talking about. Long(er) surfer boy hair and laid back style. Plus pretty cute. So I told my new aussie friend I’d go up and ask him where he was from. If he was aussie I got a free drink. Done. I waltzed right up tapped his shoulder and said excuse me I have a bet with my friend that you are aussie. You should have seen his face.. Struck down he was a kiwi. He said sorry and he could pretend to be aussie to get me a free drink. I said it was okay. But stayed a chatted for a bit.
            That’s how it works when you’re in a traveler’s bar. You end up creating a web, and you can bop around. Then when the time comes to start going to other bars, you latch on to your favorite connection. So I chatted a bit and returned to my table for awhile. I might not have won the bet but I became friend with the kiwi before returning to my old friends and the free drinks started flowing. It started with more strawberry mojiotos. We went to the bar together and the aussie paid. Yes please. A little more time back at the table and then I ended up at the bar again. This time alone. 


            I saw a guy next to who seemed fun and a little crazy. So this was the part of the night where people were getting drunk enough that you can just say something. So I said where are you from to the guy drunk next to me at the bar. Done. Danish, A little older and very friendly. SO the night begins. He’s buying shots and buys us 2 right there and then a round for his table which he invites me too. Gladly. So I sit down with them and meet his Danish mates plus the rando American (girl) that joined to their group. And the real drinking ensued. Shots and strawberry mojitos to go around. And mind you I was not paying for these things. This is my talent. We chatted and batted and just had a rowdy good time. Those Danish boys can sure drink. At some point the other two I was with showed up. Everyone hit it off beautifully. Start of an awesome night. Than it was off to clubs.
             Lets just be honest that even if you haven’t had that much to drink, when it becomes time to go to the clubs everything is just a blur. I think it’s a mix of the lights and the people and good god I’m just lost.. so that happened. And I’m not sure about much else other than a bar with tables to dance on- every American college girls dream – ELEVATION, and lots lots of fun dance moves. Needless to say I was pretty darn happy at this point in time. I ended up sweaty and tired back at my place around 3:30AM. Successful night to say the least. I had my sweat soaked wet shirt to prove it. 

imagining it looked something like this....

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